The Parenting and Family Literacy Centre The Parenting and Family Literacy Centre (PFLC) provides the opportunity for parents/caregivers and their children, from 0 to 6 years, to become familiar with the school community and routines. Through participating with your child in play, art, puzzles, reading and story and music time you will help your child to develop literacy and numeracy skills. The Centre also provides information and referral to community resources such as child care, counselling, public health etc. The PFLC's hours are Monday - Thursday, 9:30 - 2:30 pm.No pre-registration required. Join us anytime! |
City of Ottawa Parenting Website click here
Community Programs 2017-2018
Website for help and information for newcomers to Ontario:
The Snowsuit Fund is located at the Hardini Centre 225 Donald Street. The entrance is at the back - red door. The snow suit fund is now open but you should contact them ahead of time to confirm the times they are open. They can be reached at: 613 746-8719 or Make sure clients bring the proper identification. If they would like a brand new snowsuit - they can be obtained at a cost of $10 each.
All Clients
We serve newborns to age 15 living in Ottawa-Gatineau. A piece of identification indicating the child’s date of birth is required for all qualifying children. Identification showing the family’s city of residence must also be provided.
If you are on Ontario Works, ODSP or Aide sociale du Québec
Please bring your current or past month’s drug card or a photocopy of it. If you have given your drug card to the pharmacy, please request a photocopy of it from the pharmacy.
If you are low income
To determine if you are considered “low income”(see below). Bring either your Child Tax Benefit or GST notice from the base year 2017. This notice will show the 2017 family net income, your marital status, and it will list your children by their first name and show their month and year of birth. This notice is mailed to you in July if you have filed your income tax prior to April 30, 2018.
If you have recently immigrated to Canada
Provide your date of arrival and proof of financial status.